Wednesday, June 19, 2024

CAT receives LOVE

 Proverbs 11:17

King James Version

17 The merciful man doeth good to his own soul: 

but he that is cruel troubleth his own flesh.

Would you stop for a cat, who's left to die? 

Would you stop for it, knowing it's covered with flies?

Would you bring it to a vet, to have it checked?

Would you nurse it back to health?

Would you tend to its wounds?

Would you adopt it?

All these a young lady did, according to that video.

There are quite a lot of videos showing animals rescued.

From accidents, human cruelty, shelters, and abandonment.

When you see such kindness, you know there's hope for the world.

Whether for humans, or animals, let us all aspire to be kind.

To protect both from harm.

To prevent harm from coming to both.

To care for the hurt, forgotten, and abandoned ones.

While there is life in each one of us, there is life.

While there's light in our eyes, there is life.

While there's breath in our being, there is life.

It's how GOD would want us to care for each other.

That all life matters.

His Son, JESUS, taught us that.

John 13:34

King James Version

34 A new commandment I give unto you, 

That ye love one another; as I have loved you, 

that ye also love one another.

Let us not be the first one to hurt others.

Let us be the first one to protect others.

Let us always keep a watchful eye for each other.

Let us not allow cruelty to prevail.

Let us refuse all that the devil is.

James 4:7

King James Version

7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. 

Resist the devil, 

and he will flee from you.

The cat in that video, through the ministrations of the young lady, and her vet, was nursed back to good health.

Considering maggots had infested it, flies were on it, the poor cat had fractures on its leg, and it was left to die.

Surely, the cat got well, because of the love it received.

Every creature, whether man or animal, responds to love, and care.

And the gentleness that go with it.

It tests the quality of a person.

To stop, and help.

Or to walk away, hoping others would care for it instead.

Others walk away, completely ignoring other humans' and animals' plight.

Can you walk away from their cry?

Can you walk away, knowing they need help?

Can you ignore a life, on the line?

There is such a thing as proper pet ownership.

You're responsible for your own pets.

They're not bought, on a whim.

Many parents teach their kids that.

Once a pet is bought, the child must look after it.

But some kids are spoiled, and neglect their pets after a while.

They get bored, and want new things.

Gadgets, for one.

So, the animal is left unattended.

Some pet owners move away.

Some actually leave their pets behind.

Or, if the animal is sick, or wounded, all the more they abandon it.

That's why You Tube is full of videos of kind strangers caring for these poor, hurt, abandoned animals.

I especially love watching transformations.

We are actually all responsible for each other.

Whether for humans, or animals.

Let's cease from being cruel.

It's wonderful being born again.

You learn to love, as JESUS did.

Even if we're imperfect.

We can still follow the examples given by JESUS.

He taught us how to love.

He taught us how to be kind.

He died for us.

No love can be greater.

A sign of great love is not receiving commendation for it.

No publicity, no accolades, no recognition, nothing.

There is no reward, when you love.

You love, because it is what JESUS would want you to do.

You love, because it feels right in your heart.

You love, because it is the right thing to do.

You love, because JESUS taught you to.

It is how He would want you to be.

JESUS has much to teach us.

About love, perfection, and holiness.

Let us all do right by GOD.

The Rapture can happen any moment.

It's time to set our lives right.

In ways that are acceptable to GOD.

Being born again is the path to take.

You will be taught by SPIRIT how to love.

As JESUS did.


Strangely, although by now I'm used to SPIRIT's ways, I realized -- as I was editing this post's "labels" -- that another post talking about the love JESUS taught us, was written on the same date -- 19 June.

EXACTLY four years ago:

"Learning to Love as Jesus Taught Us"

Just shows I'm on the right path, writing all these.

I can only marvel at SPIRIT's precision.

Which I dearly LOVE.

And wait for.

Related material:

BORN AGAIN articles