Thursday, May 28, 2020

How to be Kind to Yourself

Would you really say you are kind to yourself?

Would you really say you have been kind to yourself?

One is the present tense; the other in the past tense.

Do we really know how to be kind, and thus, love ourselves?

All I know is this:

Only by fully embracing Christ, as a born-again Christian, did I finally understand what love was.

Only then did I also understand what true kindness was.

And that was much later in my life.

All that time, all those years, I had no idea what true love and kindness were.

I had an inkling, but I didn't have the FULL picture.

How I have erred in so many ways!

All that time, I had been blind.

But now, I see.

"Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, 
I am the light of the world: 
he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, 
but shall have the light of life."

John 8:12 
King James Version

The recent eight months were the most important months of my life, now that I'm beginning to really know Christ.

Everything about my life was important, but the past eight months had accelerated my understanding.

Is it possible to be a changed person, in such a short time?

Well, this much I will tell you.

On the first day I sought Christ as my Teacher, I changed on the spot.

Jesus promised us the Holy Spirit.

My life changed radically after that.

Now, the HS guides me, every step of the way.

Now, there is no more doubt what to think, say, or do.

Now, the HS does all the thinking and decision-making for me.

The Holy Spirit will open your eyes to your own being.

God created you, so expect to be shown your treasures, and yes, even your junk.

We cannot rejoin God, with all that junk.

Every so often, as HS sees fit, your memory will be triggered, of the ways you had been kind, or unkind.

And most of us had been unkind.

Full realization of those moments, as a born-again Christian, caused me drums of tears.

The tears come at will.

They're unstoppable, especially now that I know better.

I can't turn back the hands of time, I can't undo the wrong done, the errors, the insensitivities, but I sure can do my best to correct self, guided by Spirit now.

And, most of all, I had to ask for God's forgiveness, through Jesus. 

Every day of my life now, every hour, every minute, every second, every moment, is God's.

Never again will I be lost, or unsure.

God found me, and is now teaching me, through the Holy Spirit.

Now I know what work to do, which merely takes all the stuff I used to love to the next level -- God's level.

I didn't realize I had created many blogs about those interests.

Now, there is purpose to my existence, and clarity in my being.

The Holy Spirit of God made sure I fell down on my knees, in humility, and acknowledgment -- that God's POWER is All There Is.

But He didn't want me flagellating myself about it.

He wanted me to acknowledge Him (and His SON), to worship Him, and to watch and pray, as the world turns on its axis, with most inhabitants still needing to wake up to the Teachings of CHRIST.

When a son, or daughter of God, wakes up, the whole heaven rejoices.

As Jesus said:

"Likewise, I say unto you, 
there is joy in the presence of the angels of God 
over one sinner that repenteth."

Luke 15:10 
King James Version

Wake up to Jesus now.

The LORD will teach you to be kind.

Allow the Holy Spirit of God to teach you.

There is no other teacher but the HS.

All our teachers on earth don't have it right.

Only the Spirit of God can save you.

From yourself.

And from those who haven't kneeled before God yet.

Again, and again, I will say it.

Only God is the TRUE POWER.

Updated 24 January 2022