Friday, August 14, 2020

On Being a BLESSING to Others

38 For I came down from heaven, 
not to do mine own will, 
but the will of him that sent me.

John 6:38 
King James Version

Do we have it in our heart to help others?

Would we really know how to help them?

Do we have a front seat in the cinema of life, or perhaps a perfect, multi-dimensional view of another person's life, just as God has?

Would we really know what is good for others?

Perhaps not.

But sincerely wanting to be of help to others, is a wonderful start.

And we will need the help of God, through JESUS, to do that.

Only by the GRACE of God, the HEART of God, and the SPIRIT of God, can we be of true, effective, and precise help for others.

We cannot see with human eyes.

Ah, but with spiritual eyes, under the grace and guidance of the SPIRIT of God, we can!

And that can only occur, if we have become born again in Christ.

Before we can really help others as God would want us to, we have to tend to self first, so we must be JESUS' own first.

Only then can we truly see what others need.

Only then can we truly know how to help.

Only then can we see the bigger picture, as God wants us to see.

Only through the power of the Holy SPIRIT of God, can we see what is needed, and do what is needed to be done for others.

By ourselves, we won't be able to see the true picture of things.

Only God knows what lies in the heart of a person.

Only He sees the dreams, aspirations, desires, and intentions every person has.

The only fool-proof way to help -- for surely, we all have the urge in our hearts -- is to be God's Own, through JESUS.

View the verse I shared with you above.

That means, the SON of God, came down to earth to help, but only THROUGH the Father's Will.

He waited upon God, He prayed to God, before He acted.

That's the only way we can be of true help to others.

By our own, limited thinking, we may not be of perfect use, for we do not see what God sees.

We do not have the heart that God has.

But if we align ourselves with God, become born again in CHRIST, we stand a great chance of being a TRUE blessing to others.

We will be instruments of God, to help others.

A true born-again Christian doesn't think for his own anymore.

He waits upon the SPIRIT of the LORD to guide him, to inform him, to teach him, to activate him.

Gone is the self, and the ego.

Most people in the world help, for reasons of their own.

They act upon their own thoughts, and devices.

They have not given their hearts to the LORD, and wait upon Him, seeking only His DIVINE Guidance and Activation.

If we act upon our own thinking, we may be more of a danger to others.

Only by the SPIRIT of God can we see clearly.

You must really give GOD a chance to work in you.

For over 11 months now, I have surrendered my little will, to the INFALLIBLE Will of the LORD.

The Holy SPIRIT of God guides me each time I write, or do most anything.

He has humbled me in many ways.

My old ways haven't worked, but He waited for my surrender.

And now that I have, the work I do glorifies GOD alone.

Gone is the tiny self, the huge ego, the erring ways -- even as I have a long way to go.

Such is the foundation we need, if we are to SERVE the Lord.

When self is gone, and only GOD remains, we can be of true service to others.

Who better to teach us, than the LORD Jesus, who was obedient to the end?

There can be no greater example to OBEDIENCE.

We must submit our tiny selves to the LORD, and follow JESUS alone.

As a result, all we do for others, glorify God alone.

There is no desire for personal wealth or recognition.

All glory is offered to God.

As God so rightfully deserves.

We cannot do enough for the CREATOR.

It's also beautiful to listen to what Jesus says here:

40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, 
Verily I say unto you, 
Inasmuch as ye have done it 
unto one of the least of these my brethren, 
ye have done it unto me.

Matthew 25:40 
King James Version

We do things for others, because we love them -- stranger, or not.

We do things for others, because we love God.

We do things for others, because we want to be of real help.

We do things for others, because the SPIRIT of God teaches us what to do, how to think, what to be, guiding us, every step of the way.

Jesus, in His short ministry, gave us so many beautiful TRUTHS from heaven, another of which:

13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, 
that will I do, 
that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

John 14:13 
King James Version

That's how we become a blessing to others.

That all we do, like all Jesus did, was to GLORIFY the Father -- our CREATOR.

The world has become the way it is now, because people forgot to look back to God.

There is no more love, and gratitude.

It's time to bring JESUS back into our hearts, and the SPIRIT of God, will teach us what to do each moment.

Have faith in that fact.

Only through JESUS, would we know what to do.

Only through JESUS, can the world became a God-filled world again, as it was before Adam and Eve disobeyed the instructions of God.

Surely, we all long for that world.

If we don't have it now, while we're all still alive, we can still have ETERNAL life with JESUS, but only if we are His TRUE followers.

It is never too late to become God's OWN.

But there is no time to waste.

Call upon JESUS now.

More articles to read here:
"It is Time to Live Right By the LORD"
JESUS son of GOD

Bible passages from

P.S. Soon as I gave credit to Bible Gateway for the verses, God gifts me with the site's "Verse of the Day":

For we are his workmanship, 
created in Christ Jesus unto good works, 
which God hath before ordained 
that we should walk in them.

Ephesians 2:10 
King James Version

It's as if God's supporting the article I just wrote.

My life has been this way since I first asked to be CHRIST's own.

And yet, I continue to be in AWE each time.

As such, I await God's NEXT surprise!

It is wonderful to live as an obedient child of GOD!

Updated 24 January 2022

Friday, July 10, 2020

How to Help Each Other Breathe Easier

The world could be kinder, if people are kinder.

It's people who make up the world, after all.

Here are a few ideas which will ease all our burdens a bit, helping us all to breathe easier, and enjoy life for a change.

1. Lowering taxes.

2. Lowering interest rates.

3. Providing products and services that are truly needed.

4. Respecting the rights of every person.

5. Having more heart, than policies.

6. Writing fewer, simpler rules, in large letters.

7. Protecting other people's rights, and not just your own.

8. Living by God's Laws.

9. Making sure every citizen has a roof over their head.

10. Feeding the hungry, and not feeding off on them.

11. Producing family-oriented programs.

12. Using only what you need.

This is but a small sampling of things we can do.

The important thing is the principle behind the things we do.

Ideally, that "principle" would be GOD, the One who really lays down the rules, so all may breathe easier.

We deviated from that so the world is the way it is now -- choking the life out of the majority. 

Everything starts with self, and our relationship with God.

If we welcome God into our hearts, Jesus will send the Holy Spirit to teach us.

Only with God can we have a tomorrow. 

You are not a consumer, a tax payer, a cog in a wheel, a slave, a provider.

We are all children of God, "created in His image and likeness".

Who else will help each other?

We're all in this world together.

God knows every fiber of our being, so there's no hiding our intentions from God.

His Son, Jesus, taught us how to LOVE:

34 A new commandment I give unto you, 
That ye love one another; 
as I have loved you, 
that ye also love one another.
35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, 
if ye have love one to another.

John 13:34-35 
King James Version

Updated 24 January 2022

Friday, June 19, 2020

Learning to Love as Jesus Taught Us

Matthew 25:40 
King James Version

40 And the King shall answer 
and say unto them, 
Verily I say unto you, 
Inasmuch as ye have done it 
unto one of the least of these my brethren, 
ye have done it unto me.

That verse was one of the earliest I've ever encountered in Catholic school, and I'm grateful I was taught that.

Thus, it stayed with me throughout my life, even as I would fail to apply it every so often in all my years.

Now that GOD made me born again, and taking Jesus' words to heart, I've become more aware of what the LORD really meant.

In that same chapter, Jesus said: 

Matthew 25:31-36 
King James Version

31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, 
and all the holy angels with him, 
then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:
32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: 
and he shall separate them one from another, 
as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:
33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, 
but the goats on the left.
34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, 
ye blessed of my Father, 
inherit the kingdom prepared for you 
from the foundation of the world:
35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: 
I was thirsty, 
and ye gave me drink: 
I was a stranger, 
and ye took me in:
36 Naked, and ye clothed me: 
I was sick, and ye visited me: 
I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

Puzzled, the people asked:

Matthew 25:37-39 
King James Version

37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, 
when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? 
or thirsty, and gave thee drink?
38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? 
or naked, and clothed thee?
39 Or when saw we thee sick, 
or in prison, 
and came unto thee?

And that's when Jesus declared: 

Matthew 25:40
King James Version

40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, 
Verily I say unto you, 
Inasmuch as ye have done it 
unto one of the least of these my brethren, 
ye have done it unto me.

That's how Jesus will separate the "sheep", from the "goats", gathering all nations when He comes in His glory, the second time around.

All our deeds will be laid bare for all of us to see.

There is no escaping the consequences of our actions, of our desire to love, or not to love, the least of God's brethren.

Matthew 25:46 
King James Version

46 And these shall go away 
into everlasting punishment: 
but the righteous into life eternal.

We all came from the same God.

What is so difficult to understand about loving others, and worshiping God, when Christ already gave us the blueprint for the salvation of our souls?

What could matter more than anything, but God?

There is only God.

Bible verse source:

Updated 19 June 2024

Sunday, June 14, 2020

How to Be Kind to Older People

One day we'll all get there.

One day, we'll all slow down, age, losing our memories, our hair turning white, our strength dissipating, maybe even get impoverished, wondering if we matter at all to the stronger ones.

That's how I keep things in perspective about aging.

We'll all get there.

Just a matter of time.

Sure, we still have a few more mileage to our years, but what of the much older people?

Do we know the many gifts they bring?

Do we have the patience to elicit, or help them remember the gifts they have for us?

I'm not talking about wills and stuff.

I'm talking about the wisdom, and experience, they have.

That's the real WEALTH.

They have lived far longer than we have.

Do you ever wonder what they can teach us?

I've always been a curious child, and I always love listening to older people.

It's all about joy, and respect.

Joy, at what you can learn from them.

Respect, for they have much to teach us.

Have we made time to honor these precious folks?

Do we make time, at all?

Do we sit at their feet, and encourage them to tell us about their lives?

Do we listen, with rapt attention, as they tell us stories (even tall stories) of their many adventures, from times past?

I do know of the love between grandparents, and grandchildren.

I hope we allow that a lot, for one keeps the other young; the other helps the other grow up.

I think, older people are the most interesting people on earth!

Older people are living, breathing, depositories of "history".

They've been where we never have been.

They may have lived through the wars, or many conflicts we know nothing about.

How have they managed to survive?

What would they like to teach us?

They'd make wonderful, non-academic professors, for one.

They can teach us much about life, love, work, even God.

Now that they're older, slower (maybe), less active (maybe), won't we make time to listen to them, too?

Will we allow their precious lives to waste away, with no one having cared or listened to them?

Just as we care about orphans, the sick, the disabled, the homeless, the starving, the widows, the disenfranchised in our societies, perhaps we can make time for our older kin, too.

Of course, I was shocked some homes for the aged allowed the elderly to die on their own from this covid crisis.

Can you imagine that?

Letting a person die, a person who cannot help themselves, and just letting them starve, and go that way?

We cannot abandon each other that way.

There's a little joke about how we all age.

That we all look like babies once more -- bald, and toothless -- and yes, helpless.

I honestly believe in my heart they have much to teach us.

We can all live longer lives if we are useful, if we have something to live for.

Each of us, young or old, has a gift to give the world. 

Won't we take it upon our hearts, to help older people remember?

And if they can't remember, we can't force it.

But we can be there for them, making sure they are treated well, and cared for, with respect.

We all deserve to live, and age, in dignity.

Are older people to be set aside, once their "usefulness" is over?

Who "dictates" such usefulness?

May society never forget the usefulness of each person.

There's that untainted, uncorrupted part of our hearts that aims to love.

Being a researcher on self and God, and a natural care giver, I know that there's a "light" in every person, waiting to be "uncovered".

Ideally, that light would be revealed by that person himself.

But what if, he couldn't, or wouldn't?

Would someone, in any part of the world, or community, or family, care to take take that bushel out, so the "light" may be revealed?

15 Neither do men light a candle, 
and put it under a bushel, 
but on a candlestick; 
and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.
16 Let your light so shine before men, 
that they may see your good works, 
and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Matthew 5:15-16 
King James Version

Let us honor each other.

Let us honor the God in each other.

God created us all.

God must live in each one of us.

Let us remember the forgotten people in our household, our communities, our countries, our world.

Every human being has a purpose, and a value.

We are all precious in the eyes of the LORD.

3 The Lord hath appeared of old unto me, saying, 
Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.

Jeremiah 31:3 
King James Version

More verses on how we are all precious to God.

Updated 24 January 2022

Thursday, May 28, 2020

How to be Kind to Yourself

Would you really say you are kind to yourself?

Would you really say you have been kind to yourself?

One is the present tense; the other in the past tense.

Do we really know how to be kind, and thus, love ourselves?

All I know is this:

Only by fully embracing Christ, as a born-again Christian, did I finally understand what love was.

Only then did I also understand what true kindness was.

And that was much later in my life.

All that time, all those years, I had no idea what true love and kindness were.

I had an inkling, but I didn't have the FULL picture.

How I have erred in so many ways!

All that time, I had been blind.

But now, I see.

"Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, 
I am the light of the world: 
he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, 
but shall have the light of life."

John 8:12 
King James Version

The recent eight months were the most important months of my life, now that I'm beginning to really know Christ.

Everything about my life was important, but the past eight months had accelerated my understanding.

Is it possible to be a changed person, in such a short time?

Well, this much I will tell you.

On the first day I sought Christ as my Teacher, I changed on the spot.

Jesus promised us the Holy Spirit.

My life changed radically after that.

Now, the HS guides me, every step of the way.

Now, there is no more doubt what to think, say, or do.

Now, the HS does all the thinking and decision-making for me.

The Holy Spirit will open your eyes to your own being.

God created you, so expect to be shown your treasures, and yes, even your junk.

We cannot rejoin God, with all that junk.

Every so often, as HS sees fit, your memory will be triggered, of the ways you had been kind, or unkind.

And most of us had been unkind.

Full realization of those moments, as a born-again Christian, caused me drums of tears.

The tears come at will.

They're unstoppable, especially now that I know better.

I can't turn back the hands of time, I can't undo the wrong done, the errors, the insensitivities, but I sure can do my best to correct self, guided by Spirit now.

And, most of all, I had to ask for God's forgiveness, through Jesus. 

Every day of my life now, every hour, every minute, every second, every moment, is God's.

Never again will I be lost, or unsure.

God found me, and is now teaching me, through the Holy Spirit.

Now I know what work to do, which merely takes all the stuff I used to love to the next level -- God's level.

I didn't realize I had created many blogs about those interests.

Now, there is purpose to my existence, and clarity in my being.

The Holy Spirit of God made sure I fell down on my knees, in humility, and acknowledgment -- that God's POWER is All There Is.

But He didn't want me flagellating myself about it.

He wanted me to acknowledge Him (and His SON), to worship Him, and to watch and pray, as the world turns on its axis, with most inhabitants still needing to wake up to the Teachings of CHRIST.

When a son, or daughter of God, wakes up, the whole heaven rejoices.

As Jesus said:

"Likewise, I say unto you, 
there is joy in the presence of the angels of God 
over one sinner that repenteth."

Luke 15:10 
King James Version

Wake up to Jesus now.

The LORD will teach you to be kind.

Allow the Holy Spirit of God to teach you.

There is no other teacher but the HS.

All our teachers on earth don't have it right.

Only the Spirit of God can save you.

From yourself.

And from those who haven't kneeled before God yet.

Again, and again, I will say it.

Only God is the TRUE POWER.

Updated 24 January 2022

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

How to be a Kind Customer

Is the customer always right?

Not necessarily, and it depends.

My father, a doctor, would tell us that we have to be compassionate with patients, especially those in pain, for they become irritable, because they are wracked with pain.

Oftentimes, apart from the necessary medicine he prescribes for their condition, he's able to divert their attention by making them smile, or laugh, as he gently teases them about their ways.

An aunt once said that just hearing his voice was enough to make her well.

I know what she speaks of, for I love that unique timbre in my late Dad's voice -- it was soothing, and healing for me, too.

Many of us serve people, and are served in return.

I used to teach customer service to professionals in the big city, many years ago, and I also taught a few lecturers themselves.

I even wrote a manual on customer service, as well as a slim volume on it, which I called "The Simplest and Friendliest Customer Service Book Ever".

Work is service, so surely we serve many people each day, whether our work is online, or offline.

And in these covid crisis days, patience and perseverance are especially tested.

More than at any other time, people's hearts will be tested.

Because people have been cooped up too long in their homes, they are rightfully irritable and short-tempered, even impatient.

Others have become ill, and depressed.

No one can really breathe well, with a face mask on, and I've heard of one gentleman who really has a hard time wearing that all day long at work.

And yet, he's still able to tend to some online marketing at night.

The world had become a "serve me now, I want it now" society, and we have been at it for a long time now.

The digital world, with all its apps, makes sure people get what they order as soon as humanly possible.

Before the covid crisis, many people, especially the moneyed and powerful people, could demand what they want, any time they wanted.

And now that everyone's on the same boat, we all have to be patient, and considerate.

Any person in their right mind, and with a heart full of God, would make sure they would prioritize the more fragile members of the population, like the elderly, the disabled, the pregnant women, the children, and those in dire financial need, the sick, and those going hungry.

In these most challenging moments, our hearts are being tested, our souls are being stretched, and not all customers are right, for now, we all have to conform to certain rules put out by governments, for the protection of all.

All customers have to be sensible citizens now, for if we make it hard for others, we may also endanger their lives, by being stubborn, or foolhardy.

Gone are the divas, and dudes, who have everyone at their beck and call.

Now, everyone has to sport a face mask, and observe social distancing, as well as be vigilant everywhere.

We cannot make undue demands on others, for their hands are full, and many places are understaffed, for many companies and institutions had to cut down their workforce as  a result of this covid crisis.

Sadly, the covid cut down the workforce itself.

And we wonder if there will be an end to all these, as well as wondering what the real story is, and what the real statistics are.

We all have to make do with what is available -- resources and information -- and have to exercise patience, love, and temperance.

Where before, priests can attend to their parishioners, now, churches are closed.

Now, we all have to trust God, pray directly to Him, and get creative in everything we do.

And maybe, that's EXACTLY what God wants -- that we go DIRECTLY to Him.

Gone are the comforts, and luxuries.

Gone is the usual freedom to move about, and go anywhere, even travel, at will.

Now, the busiest people are those in government, health, the  military, police, those in transportation, food production, food deliveries, utilities, and telecommunications.

These are the ones serving the hardest now, and customers and patients are lucky to be served at all, for service providers are outnumbered.

What does it mean to be a kind customer?

Under any circumstance, it means we are patient, considerate, friendly, and generous to those who serve us.

We pay the service provider what is due them, and we give it with a smile, and real gratitude, especially if we had been served well.

We pay people because they have to pay rent, staff, loans, materials, transportation, hosting, and a whole lot of other expenses in the back office that only they know about.

They also have to provide for their families, and perhaps, other people they're helping.

Even on these tough days, we cannot deprive them of their rightful payment, as they need that to keep their business, or enterprise, going, too.

Kindness means, you put yourself in the shoes of another.

I've been an entrepreneur many times over, serving people all the time, that's why I was able to write that customer service book.

We just hope, and pray, that customers put themselves in our shoes, too.

We, service providers, are grateful to be paid, but we are not slaves.

We are to be treated with the same respect as everyone else -- rich or poor, educated, or uneducated -- for we are all God's children.

Perhaps, this covid crisis has many layers of lessons to teach us all, and by the Grace of God, we can all be aware of it.

Only then can we really serve well and not be diffcult, stubborn, or unpleasant.

We're all in this together, whether we like it or not, for we are facing a battle that was not created overnight.

If you read my other blog, "Prophecy Lessons", you'd know more about who the real perpetrator of ALL difficulty is.

And he certainly is not of God.

Nevertheless, your hope is in Jesus alone, as you will see from this post.

Updated 24 January 2022

Sunday, May 17, 2020

How to be a Kind Marketer

Entrepreneurs are marketers, and vice-versa, and I am both.

Except, I'm not the usual, stereo-typed marketer.

I cannot sell blindly.

I have to know what I'm getting myself into.

I have to know that what I'm offering people has real value, and not just to fatten my own pocket.

Ideally, and this will seem very strange to you, I don't promote stuff asking for costly monthly subscriptions.*


Because that's tough.

Not everyone can hack high, monthly payments.

Just like you, I've been there, done that.

And with this covid crisis, now is not the time to ask for steep monthly payments.

Makes more sense to offer a low, one-time, annual fee that most everyone can afford.

I don't know how marketers will do that, but therein lies the challenge, and the heart.

I also don't feel comfortable -- Christian or not -- to have people pay every month, just so I get paid through that.

Now, you're probably wondering how this dummy could ever make money.

We'll get to that, donchaworry.

My marketing, ever since I became a born-again Christian (for eight months now) has been through FAITH alone.

I trust that God knows my needs, and will provide.

I merely do the work I was meant to do, guided by His Grace.

It just so happens I like writing and marketing, so I write about marketing -- among other things, haha.

I also don't promote "funnels", wherein you entice your prospect with a shiny ball offer, and when they take the bait, you offer another, and another, all the while the price keeps getting higher, and you keep asking them to buy what they may not need, or want, and you keep getting fatter and fatter commissions.

More often, than not, the poor customer gets stuck with many offers -- related as they may be -- that he won't ever use at all.

Not only that, he get confused, as there are too many things to study.

Many slick online marketers do that, padding everything.

Nope, I can't do that to you.

I don't like to bombard you with useless, heartless stuff.

That's why  a lot of programs and marketers get stuck.

Anything that defies Jesus' Law of Love kinda gets put in its place.

Greed is usually fed by fear -- that there won't be enough, or that you'll run out of ideas.

Also, people can't keep up with the expensive monthly payments.

I'm doing everything I can, so I don't have to resort to that, just to earn.

I can't "feed" off of you.

I don't have the heart to do that to you.

I know, I'm a weird marketer.

But, at least, I can answer to God with a clean heart. 

The Creator knows me inside out, outside in, and I think He laughs mostly at this child of His. 

Methinks that's also why matrixes don't work.

Not everyone's active, not everyone can see, or carry, the vision to fruition.

Not everyone has the cash to put in -- although there are some programs I've joined wherein they give you a starter bonus, and you're able to use that to invest, and soon, you get referrals, and you're able to re-invest your earnings more -- at no initial cost to you. That worked for me.

I've joined one, and was doing quite well, until the owner, in a burst of his generous heart, practically opened it to the world, and now, the system couldn't sustain that volume.**

It went in shock.

Things went crazy after that.

People started complaining (I didn't).

People started demanding (I didn't).

The site became "top" heavy.

I didn't want to rain on the admin's parade, even as I had my own ideas, so I just kept quiet.

As a marketer, I work quietly, I study quietly, I observe quietly, I sign up quietly, and I promote relatively quietly.

I don't do webinars, I hardly write comments, unless something really ROCKS, and I put in my two-cents worth.

Mostly, I just blog my findings.

I prefer the "soft" sell.

The thoughtful approach.

What I call my blog monologues hahaha.

I "document" my findings, so I can find my way back to those programs, too, for I tend to create a LOT of blogs and posts, and join many, many (too many) programs.

Well, I started with nothing online in 2017, as I researched many programs where one could earn reading mails, promoting programs, getting paid for referral's purchases.

And that's when it occurred to me to create a blog for it.

I discovered JV sites, which were really fun, and easy, to navigate.

FREE to join, too!

Some owners and admins paid.

Others disappeared, and didn't pay.

So, there's really no way of knowing until you stick it out.

I first got curious about earning money online in 2015.

Newbie that I was, I lost quite a bunch, from unscrupulous owners, and I'm still paying for those up to now.

But I just kept at my craft, enjoying what others call the "shiny object syndrome", which I didn't mind, for I do a lot of research, and testing.

I took the risks, so I can deliver the goods to you.

That's my form of marketing, quiet as I may be.

I can't offer you anything I haven't tested first.

I get especially excited when I start earning, and are able to cash out for a low rate only.

That means, I can finally share the program with you!

I always try to put myself in your shoes, and don't wish you undue hardship.

Those programs are few, and far between, though.

Very difficult to earn online, unless you upgrade to the max.

Other high-end programs, with great potential for earning, didn't appeal to me.

They were too slick, and everyone belonged to a "clique".

I'm not a wimpy marketer, but neither am I a greedy one.

I just like seeing everyone win and succeed, through legitimate means.

But, of course, you know that marketing -- online and offline -- are filled with sharks.

And that's where I come in.

No, not as a shark, but as a happy dolphin.

I do my research, blog about my findings, feature an exceptional owner or admin, and promote their sites.

Many admins reward me with an upgrade, or lots of credits, which I dearly appreciate, even as they didn't have to do that.

I just like doing what I'm doing -- WRITING about cool marketers, awesome programs, and SHARING all that with you.

I don't earn a cent from my many blogs.

It's a service I enjoy doing.

Much more fun if you share something, with no strings attached.

People don't feel obliged, or obligated.

There's FREEDOM in my marketing. 

I'm a grateful marketer who's always GRATEFUL for EVERYTHING. 

I guess you could say, I'm a no-fuss marketer.

Bring it on, straight up, no hidden agenda, no baits, no tracking, no sly moves. 

And yes, I do  a lot of what I call "unsolicited" promotion, wherein I promote sites, for free.

I don't charge a cent at all.

And why should I?

I sign up at a program I like, write about its features, and give the owner or admin a link to my article, as a gift.

I'd like them to know someone's paying attention to their efforts and kindness.

To my mind, if there's only one person who can do that for you, now or in the future, you're in good company, so I take the initiative, because I can't keep cool stuff to myself anyway.

Dolphins are happy creatures, you know.

I don't expect anything back, but more often than not, they are pleasantly surprised that I'd even write about them.

But, of course, I would!

When Spirit and I find something cool and kind, we feature it.

That's our marketing DNA.

Plus, we know how marketing is.

Difficult, difficult, difficult.

We're all in this together. 

It's a habit in my marketing that I give first.

I take the initiative, with no thought of return.

If anything, I shrink from such a thought.

It's not my way.

I show my belief and confidence in people's projects, by signing up, and promoting their products and services. 

It's enough I signed up, enjoyed their program's cool offers, and promoted their sites.

It's a wonderful way of helping each other up.

As God would have it, I've met many wonderful owners and admins of FREE advertising, for that's really my focus now.

I like the idea of people earning their way to an upgrade, even as they're FREE members, and there are quite a few sites doing that.

I find the coolest sites, with the kindest owners and admins, and share my own links with other interested persons.

I can't offer what I don't believe in.

I always test, and observe.

I like ease of use, generosity, exciting design, and kindness in any marketing I do.

Life is difficult enough; why complicate it for others.

I really have a very simple philosophy in business.

I've been burned a lot, and it hasn't changed the core of my being.

I still believe in humanity.

At the rate I'm going, I won't get rich, but I'm already RICH!

I have God.

I have you.

What more would I need?

Money is a temporary thing.

It doesn't define me, whether I have it or not. 

You'll probably be disgusted with my simple thinking, but that's me. 

Being a born-again Christian is good for the soul.

It has helped me become a better person in business, too.

There was a time I was an "enfant terrible", too.

If you are interested in my form of marketing, may I share the following blogs with you?

Band of Banners
Marketers Unite
Marketing Like a Five-Year-Old

I know, I know.

I'm a serial blogger.

At least, I'm not a know.

Thank God.

This article is mostly on online marketing. I will write an article on offline marketers, too, for I had been that since I was age eight.

*I am an independent marketer promoting FREE advertising, but I also tell people to promote the sites of other marketers we all sign up for, as they have to keep their business going. They have to pay hosting fees, and all other online expenses. We can't just use the sites of these owners and admins, without contributing anything, like time, money, and energy. Marketing has, and will always be, give and take. Thank you, Katrina Graham of Love My Adz, for that wonderful input!

**Strangely, I was led back to that matrix site yesterday, and I saw my bit earnings, considering I had not touched the site for nearly a year. I'm grateful the kind and diligent owner saw to that, as I was one of the early adopters, until the whole drove joined, and everyone got stuck. I also checked the people still waiting for others to "pay it forward" for them, but it seems the volume cannot be sustained.

How to be a Kind Leader

Lead by example, they said.

But, by whose example?

Where did you get your leadership example from?

From the top schools and minds in the world?

From the top businessmen in the world?

Where did they get their own leadership style, as well?

Have those leadership styles created a better world?

Has it created a just world?

Is God present in the world?

Ah, now you see what I’m driving at.

Only God can lead.

Only the CREATOR has a right to lead.

By ourselves, we are nothing.

Do you think our MBAs, Ph.Ds, titles, and wealth matter much to God?

Do you think Jesus cares about it at all?

If you read the Bible, you’d know God hates idols with a passion.
3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, 
or that is in the water under the earth.
5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, 
nor serve them: 
for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, 
visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children 
unto the third and fourth generation of them 
that hate me;

Exodus 20:3-5 
King James Version

You cannot serve two masters, Jesus said.
 “No man can serve two masters: 
for either he will hate the one,
and love the other; 
or else he will hold to the one, 
and despise the other. 
Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”

Matthew 6:24 
King James Version

Did Christ walk, clothed in luxury?

Did He pull strings just so He can escape crucifixion?

And think about this: Christ could have been plucked out by the REAL power in all of Creation -- His FATHER – but that would have defeated the whole purpose of the Cross.

To save humanity, and to show the real might and power of God, through the Resurrection.

3 O foolish Galatians, 
who hath bewitched you, 
that ye should not obey the truth, 
before whose eyes 
Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, 
crucified among you?
2 This only would I learn of you, 
Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law,
or by the hearing of faith?
3 Are ye so foolish? 
having begun in the Spirit, 
are ye now made perfect by the flesh?
4 Have ye suffered so many things in vain? 
if it be yet in vain.
5 He therefore that ministereth to you the Spirit, 
and worketh miracles among you, 
doeth he it by the works of the law, 
or by the hearing of faith?
6 Even as Abraham believed God, 
and it was accounted to him for righteousness.
7 Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, 
the same are the children of Abraham.

Galatians 3:1-7 
King James Version

How can any worldly promise or enticement ever compare to the promise of Eternal Life?

I smile at everyone who accumulates titles and possessions on earth.

As if we could take all that with us, when Jesus comes back for His people.

As if we could take that where we’re all going at the end of our lives.

If anything, these worldly obsessions and accumulation, will hinder us at the door.

What do you have in your heart?

That’s all God cares to know.

How have you treated your family, your workers, your communities?

That matters much.

It is a reflection of who you are.

Pretend you have nothing in this world.

No money, no title, no job, no house, no car, no offshore account, no plane, no yacht, no servants, no important friends – how would you be?

How would you fare in this world?

But isn’t that what CHRIST went through?

He had none of those, except for a few, dear friends who fed Him, walked behind Him, and remained faithful to the end.

The rest of the time, Jesus would disappear into a crowd, for people wanted to stone Him, or adore Him.

He just kept saying it wasn’t “time”.

He knew when to lead.

He knew when to disappear.

The most important thing was He knew His MISSION.

He led us all back to God, to rightfully worship and love the FATHER.

 “And Jesus answered and said unto him, 
Get thee behind me, Satan: 
for it is written,
Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, 
and him only shalt thou serve.”

Luke 4:8 
King James Version

That’s all He cared about as He ministered to the sick, dying, and possessed each day, wherever He went.

He didn’t care about His comfort.

He cared that people ate, for they’ve come from afar.

If He could multiply the loaves and fishes just like that, can you imagine how easy it would be for Jesus to feed the world, in a twinkling of an eye?

How can we doubt His power so?

How can we just focus on the material stuff of life, when our souls are on the line?

I’d like to be a leader with God in my heart, and only God, just as Jesus taught.

And so, I write these blogs and articles, because I do.

I lead myself first.

Whether you care to listen, or not, the deed had been done.

Prompted by Spirit, I wrote.

I shared my works.

If it touches the hearts and spirits of people, that’s all very well.

But that’s not my concern.

I merely do the work I’m meant to do – as scribe.

God takes care of the rest.

He will lead people to my writing.

It should not concern me that I become a best-selling author, a well-known speaker, or a top blogger.

That is not in God’s plan for me, as He’s showed often enough.

He knows I love serving Him, as I serve you.

I cannot give you falsehoods.

All have to be backed by SCRIPTURE.

As scribe, it is unforgivable on my part, that I knowingly mislead you, or “edit” God’s instructions.

Won’t happen.

Not during my “watch”.

God and I have worked all my life that I be this way – solely devoted to Him.

I am in the midst of a demonic world, and only by the GRACE and GUIDANCE of God can I survive and thrive.

He will not allow a hair on my head to be harmed, for if it were so, I’d have been dead a long time ago.

Sometimes, we are all a danger to each other.

So, I stand alone, with God in my heart.

That’s how I lead.

I lead myself first.

Pretty much how you can test how much you love your work.

Would you do it if there was no customer, listener, buyer, follower, or subscriber?

Would you still create the products and services you’re creating now?

If you can’t give a genuine “YES” to that, then go back on the drawing board.

Create, with God in your heart.

Give people something of God.

Through your hands, your heart, your mind, God can live on this world.

Give people real value.

Let's not tie them to unnecessary and expensive  products and services, to high interest rates, to monthly subscriptions, to padded costs, just so our vice-presidents can continue to live the high life, as the rest of the population scrounge to make ends meet.

In my heart, those high interest rates, expensive and useless products and services, and costly monthly subscriptions – whether in mortgage payments, car payments, taxes, tuition fees (which increase every year), utility payments, credit card payments, insurance payments, loan payments – are all demonic.

They are all based on fear, and greed.

Yes, I will state that again.

It is demonic, and these people are under the leadership of their father, Satan.

They knowingly bleed the people dry.

These marginalized people have nothing left for themselves, and their families.

They have to borrow money, to “consolidate” those loans, so they could pay everything the world asks of them, letting them sink ever deeper into debt.

Actually, the world's financial services are designed so all may have debt, with no hope of transcending that.

Worse still, that debt is passed on to the next generations, and the noose is ever-tightening upon our necks. 

Of course, organizations, institutions, governments, clubs, and corporations won’t survive without the people dutifully paying each month.

The covid crisis saw to that.

Now, everyone feels how it is not to have income.

Everyone’s made to be on the same boat.

Now, the entities I just mentioned can’t rake in their usual bucks, as everyone’s suffering financially.

Wasn’t that the whole idea why God allowed this health crisis to blow up on its own?

So, the hearts of people may be revealed?

So, the addictions and obsessions, will be put to light?

So, the demonic minions will be finally exposed?

You really can’t hide all that from God.

Perhaps, He wanted us to see it for ourselves, because at any given time, being the Creator, He could heal the world -- just like that!

I have always had a passion for authentic leadership.

Not finding it anywhere, I chose to become an entrepreneur, and lead myself.

Two decades ago, I also declared to myself that true leaders are those who “cause others to know”.

Well, today, I am making it precise, as God lives in my heart now.

I’d like to tell you that true leaders LOVE God, above all.

If you can be such a leader, loving God with all your heart, soul, mind, and being, you will be a kind leader.

Forget about being a great leader.

Only GOD is GREAT.

Forget about being a good leader.

My form of leadership is to tell you that, with conviction in my heart!

All because I’ve read Jesus’ words, and God’s instructions.

I am now well-equipped to lead myself.

I seek no followers.

I only care that GOD’s TRUTH be known.

Enough of delusion.

All our souls are at stake.

See beyond your gold.

Real GOLD is in GOD.

Updated 24 January 2022